What are the indicators that may suggest a child is at risk?
- showing sympathy for extremist causes
- glorifying violence, especially to other faiths or cultures
- making remarks or comments about being at extremist events or rallies outside school
- evidence of possessing illegal or extremist literature
- advocating messages similar to illegal organisations or other extremist groups
- out of character changes in dress, behaviour and peer relationships
- secretive behaviour
- online searches or sharing extremist messages or social profiles
- intolerance of difference, including faith, culture, gender, race or sexuality
- work or writing that displays extremist themes
- attempts to impose extremist views or practices on others
- advocating violence towards others
The internet provides children and young people with access to a wide-range of content, some of which is harmful. As a school we recognise that extremists use the internet, including social media, to share their messages.
At Fishponds CE Academy we are clear that exploitation and radicalisation should be viewed as a safeguarding concern. We believe that educating our children about radicalisation is really important and we work hard to ensure that every child and family feel part of our Fishponds family, our core values underpin this work.
If you have a concern about a child may be at risk of radicalisation then please contact a member of our Safeguarding team (0117 9030491 or fishpondsceacademy@dbat.org.uk).
Further information on Radicalisation can be found on the Counter Terrorism Advice website or on the Bristol City Council 'Keeping Bristol communities safe against radicalisation and extremism' leaflet.
If you have concerns and would like further advice you can also contact the Prevent Advice Line (0800 0113764).