- To ensure our children develop and understanding of their identity and purpose, better understanding their place in the world through exploring history relevant to them and the world around them.
- To provide our children with a broad range of new experiences which enrich their knowledge and understanding of the world around them, identifying how the past contributes to the current day.
- To develop our children's understanding of the history of Bristol as a city.
- To develop children's understanding of key historical knowledge.
- To develop the children's chronological framework to support them in building a picture of the past and how areas of study link.
- To develop enquiry skills through study of historical events using a range of sources.
- To develop the children's critical thinking, encouraging them to thoroughly scrutinise sources of information, looking at their strengths and limitations.
- To develop the children's cultural capital, exploring the best that has been thought and said.
- To enable the children to reflect on issues of social injustice through history and what we can learn from these.
- Topics are taught as phases on a 2 year rolling programme.
- Golden threads are used to promote links between areas of study horizontally across each year, vertically across the school and diagonally across subjects and years.
- The children build up a chronological timeline within their books and classrooms during each academic year, adding to prior time periods explored.
- A skills progression maps historical skills across the school encompassing 7 strands - Chronology, historical enquiry, historical terms, interpretation, continuity and change similarity and difference, cause and consequence and significance.
- Topics of study make links to the locality of Bristol and its history as well as British and world history.
- History is studied through topics across each academic year.
- Our history curriculum explores social justice, allowing the children to explore what we can learn from history.
- Knowledge organisers are used in class and for home learning, displaying key knowledge for the children to learn.