
Limited spaces available in most year groups. Phone us on 0117 9030491 to book a tour or apply online now!



  • To inspire and enthuse our children about an ever-changing digital world
  • To develop our children’s digital literacy, computer science and information technology knowledge and skills for future life
  • To enable our children to access and use technology safely and respectfully
  • To develop our children’s confidence to speak out if something online does not feel right
  • To develop sharp, alert, secure, kind and brave children when working online
  • To develop children’s awareness to their digital footprint
  • To embed the school and British values within the computing curriculum
  • To provide opportunities for learners to use ICT for communication and collaborations, enquiry and creative and critical thinking
  • To demonstrate the positives of using technology to expand our own learning
  • To develop cross-curriculum links
  • To support the children in using technology both in and outside of schools


  • Computing is taught weekly through our PPA offer.
  • Technology is used across the curriculum to allow children to continue developing their computing skills
  • Online safety is taught every computing day
  • E-safety learning objectives are yearly and taught across the year either in discrete sessions or as part of general classroom practise.  We use Google’s Internet Legends pillars for online safety; sharp, alert, secure, kind and brave
  • The curriculum has three key threads, information technology, computer science and digital literacy.
  • Each year group has an even balance of these key threads and children are taught skills in line with national curriculum expectations.
  • There is a focus on oracy and discussion. Vocabulary is taught explicitly and key words are made clear in the planning. 
  • There is a clear skills progression to ensure there is a suitable raise in expectation year on year.
  • Assessment is teacher led, with quality assurance by subject leader.  
  • Learning to Learn behaviours are threaded through the curriculum
  • Online Learning platforms are promoted throughout the school to encourage learning at home


  • Development of life-long learners who are equipped for a technological world
  • Development of children’s knowledge in online safety, information technology and computer science
  • Children are able to transfer their computing skills across the curriculum

Our School Computing Overview

Contact Us

Our office is staffed from 7.45am to 4.00pm from Monday to Friday during term time.


  • Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3UH

Telephone Number